Friday, June 22, 2007

diabetic condition

I guess life is a mystery. i know not many of us are blessed enough to know the joys of sicknesses. it is not one of those things anybody should want to have. 37 years almost sickness free is something to thank God For. However one week sickness is something to......thank God for. cos its only a week out of close to 2000 weeks.

i walked into a lab not knowing i was sick.....full of sugar in the blood. just feeling unfine. the doctors words surprised me,,,,,the levels were too high. soon it moved from 19.7 to 23.5. so i was put o a drip....and then the doctors started on this new lifestyle i was to lead......

flashback one month earlier, i had accompanied my colleague on a sales visit in town. we passed next to a coffee shop and and and i saw the mouth watering creamy cake. then i became self aware that i was craving too much sugar. i wanted a father of two? you'd ask...yes.

now i have to work against such and live a life without the sugars of this world. the priviledge though i have is that i am one of the 50% who know their diabetic condition.

chukua control while it is early and discover what mystery there is in knowing your true medical situation.

this is my daily measurement so far:
monday - 19.7, 23.5,16.7
tuesday - did not want to know
wednesday- 17.7,
thursday- 18.9 in a visit to a herbalist, he extols his virtues and prowess at such diseases. i dont take the herbs yet. i will come back tomorrow
friday-9.9 (really) , 10.2 i am over myself. do i still go to the herbal clinic or not. someone advises me against.....not one actually, three people...but the urge to believe the herbalist is strong....

keeep reading, i will give you continued progress as my herbs begin today. only thing is, i have joy unspeakable at everything.