What a time in history we are seeing. Ideally we don't have a chance anymore with the past. The good news is that time is in the hands of God and for those with dreams, remember Joseph Gen 37:5, he had a dream too…..vs. 9, and another dream….
In the year 2007, many of us probably were led to make decisions based on other people opinions. Today, we have a chance to look back and say with the Psalmist that Lord, you have given hear to all our prayer, you've been my King and My God and most important after you've heard me, you enabled me to look up Ps 5:1-3 paraphrased.
The point is, do we look at God as our source or do we entirely look at other people as the ones to aid our lives, to help us make decisions. Fellowship is necessary; but it does not supersede our need for God in us.
In the year 2007, many of us failed in some issues. Do we realize that failure helps to understand our humanness and that we need to rely on God more? If you failed this year, it wasn't because God was not aware. Indeed he was. But we need to take stride of every development in our lives and move forward rather than be discouraged.
There is good reason for everything today. There will be good reason for everything tomorrow. What we do today will determine that reason.
2007 was a very tough year for me, because I saw with my eyes, I did everything with my strength. But towards the end,when there was no more strength left, with so much blindness, I learnt to look up to God. And surely, He was very much there.
Once more, He's taught me not to lean on my own understanding, but to look up to Him at all times, both good and tought times.
Maua...same here. 2007 was hard. it was the lowest in my lifetime walk with God. i identify with you completly. i fell, i rose, i fell i rose......am even afraid i lost some friends.....
when you are at the bottom of the pit, do you continue looking down? thank God, there is A God up there we can look up to. that means the direction to go towards is no longer down but upwards
Looking back, it feels like I hadn't lived before 2007-it was like living several years rolled out in one. I was enjoyed failure and almost settled,but God didn't think I was being bright. So in my opnion He took away things that gave me value and some sort of identity. Then He stretched His hand and let me see Him sort me out.For that I am greatful, and I know He gave me a new beginning, values and above all my reliance on Him is 100%(mostly)
So I hope I have learnt whatever I was meant to learn and I am excited knowing that God loves and cares so much about me that He won't let anything or anyone come between us.
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